






OK,下面进入正题,concurrency vs parallelism






要达到并行状态,最简单的就是利用多线程和多进程。但是 Python 的多线程由于存在著名的 GIL,无法让两个线程真正“同时运行”,所以实际上是无法到达并行状态的。



正确的并发设计的标准是:使多个操作可以在重叠的时间段内进行(two tasks can start, run, and complete in overlapping time periods)



task1, task2 是两段不同的代码,比如两个函数,其中黑色块代表某段代码正在执行。注意,这里从始至终,在任何一个时间点上都只有一段代码在执行,但是,由于 task1 和 task2 在重叠的时间段内执行,所以这是一个支持并发的设计。与并行不同,单核单线程能支持并发。


  1. 原本想说的是“并行执行”,但是用错了词
  2. 指多个操作可以在重叠的时间段内进行,即,真的并行,或是类似上图那样的执行模式。


第二个重点是“可以在重叠的时间段内进行”中的“可以”两个字。“可以”的意思是,正确的并发设计使并发执行成为可能,但是程序在实际运行时却不一定会出现多个任务执行时间段 overlap 的情形。比如:我们的程序会为每个任务开一个线程或者协程,只有一个任务时,显然不会出现多个任务执行时间段重叠的情况,有多个任务时,就会出现了。这里我们看到,并发并不描述程序执行的状态,它描述的是一种设计,是程序的结构,比如上面例子里“为每个任务开一个线程”的设计。并发设计和程序实际执行情况没有直接关联,但是正确的并发设计让并发执行成为可能。反之,如果程序被设计为执行完一个任务再接着执行下一个,那就不是并发设计了,因为做不到并发执行。




Different concurrent designs enable different ways to parallelize.

这句话来自著名的talk: Concurrency is not parallelism。它足够concise,以至于不需要过多解释。但是仅仅引用别人的话总是不太好,所以我再用之前文字的总结来说明:并发设计让并发执行成为可能,而并行是并发执行的一种模式

最后,关于Concurrency is not parallelism这个talk再多说点。自从这个talk出来,直接引爆了一堆讨论并发vs并行的文章,并且无一例外提到这个talk,甚至有的文章直接用它的slide里的图片来说明。比如这张:




好像跑题了,继续说这个 talk。和很多人一样,我也是看了这个 talk 才开始思考 concurrency vs parallesim 的问题。为了研究那一堆推小车的 gopher 到底是怎么回事,我花费了相当多的时间。实际上后来我更多地是通过网上的只言片语(比如SO的回答)和自己的思考弄清了这个问题,talk 并没有很大帮助。彻底明白之后再回过头来看这个 talk,确实相当不错,Andrew Gerrand 对这个问题的理解绝对够深刻,但是太不新手向了。最大问题在于,那一堆 gopher 的例子不够好,太复杂。Andrew Gerrand 花了大把时间来讲述不同的并发设计,但是作为第一次接触这个话题的人,在没有搞清楚并发并行区别的情况下就去研究推小车的 gopher,太难了。“Different concurrent designs enable different ways to parallelize” 这句总结很精辟,但也只有那些已经透彻理解的人才能领会,比如我和看到这里的读者,对新手来说就和经文一样难懂。总结下来一句话,不要一开始就去看这个视频,也不要花时间研究推小车的gopher。Gopher is moe, but confusing.

2015.8.14 更新

事实上我之前的理解还是有错误。在《最近的几个面试》这篇文章里有提到。最近买了《七周七并发模型》这本书,发现其中有讲,在此摘录一下(英文版 p3~p4):

Although there’s a tendency to think that parallelism means multiple cores, modern computers are parallel on many different levels. The reason why individual cores have been able to get faster every year, until recently, is that they’ve been using all those extra transistors predicted by Moore’s law in parallel, both at the bit and at the instruction level.

Bit-Level Parallelism
Why is a 32-bit computer faster than an 8-bit one? Parallelism. If an 8-bit computer wants to add two 32-bit numbers, it has to do it as a sequence of 8-bit operations. By contrast, a 32-bit computer can do it in one step, handling each of the 4 bytes within the 32-bit numbers in parallel. That’s why the history of computing has seen us move from 8- to 16-, 32-, and now 64-bit architectures. The total amount of benefit we’ll see from this kind of parallelism has its limits, though, which is why we’re unlikely to see 128-bit computers soon.

Instruction-Level Parallelism
Modern CPUs are highly parallel, using techniques like pipelining, out-of-order execution, and speculative execution.
As programmers, we’ve mostly been able to ignore this because, despite the fact that the processor has been doing things in parallel under our feet, it’s carefully maintained the illusion that everything is happening sequentially. This illusion is breaking down, however. Processor designers are no longer able to find ways to increase the speed of an individual core. As we move into a multicore world, we need to start worrying about the fact that instructions aren’t handled sequentially. We’ll talk about this more in Memory Visibility, on page ?.

Data Parallelism
Data-parallel (sometimes called SIMD, for “single instruction, multiple data”) architectures are capable of performing the same operations on a large quantity of data in parallel. They’re not suitable for every type of problem, but they can be extremely effective in the right circumstances. One of the applications that’s most amenable to data parallelism is image processing. To increase the brightness of an image, for example, we increase the brightness of each pixel. For this reason, modern GPUs (graphics processing units) have evolved into extremely powerful data-parallel processors.

Task-Level Parallelism
Finally, we reach what most people think of as parallelism—multiple processors. From a programmer’s point of view, the most important distinguishing feature of a multiprocessor architecture is the memory model, specifically whether it’s shared or distributed.

最关键的一点是,计算机在不同层次上都使用了并行技术。之前我讨论的实际上仅限于 Task-Level 这一层,在这一层上,并行无疑是并发的一个子集。但是并行并非并发的子集,因为在 Bit-Level 和 Instruction-Level 上的并行不属于并发——比如引文中举的 32 位计算机执行 32 位数加法的例子,同时处理 4 个字节显然是一种并行,但是它们都属于 32 位加法这一个任务,并不存在多个任务,也就根本没有并发。


按照我现在的理解,并发针对的是 Task-Level 及更高层,并行则不限。这也是它们的区别。

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