
四月新番逐渐开播,数了一下感兴趣的作品,居然超过了 10 部。超人幻想第一季那么好,要追;吊神坂本看了漫画,要追;逆转裁判,从高三开始玩到现在也八年了,为了玩 5 买了 3DS,能不追吗?黑色残骸,PA 的,追。爆音少女、田中君、文豪野犬、joker game、迷家,题材有意思,今石洋之的神经病番露露子,也可以追。甲铁城我本来嫌吹得太狠不想看,结果第一集看完我就知道没法不追了,这个制作太吓人,而且蒸汽朋克也是我的菜。这么一数,实在不少。

然而今天想说的并不是 2016 年的四月,而是十年前,也就是 2006 年的四月。如果你了解到那年春天出了什么作品,再听到别人说今年是最强四月,大可以一笑置之。

按照 bgm 的 rank 来介绍一下吧。我只说看过或了解大概剧情的作品。



水星领航员 第二季

ARIA 我还没看,但已经习惯了看见它在各种榜单里出现。据说是相当治愈的动画,大概未来会补。


虽然没看过凉宫,但是就感觉来说,凉宫是改变了业界走向的一部动画,其意义也不用多说了。在 ACG 群体中心目中的地位,凉宫大概排的上前五,只是我对这个题材实在没兴趣。






作为一个惊天巨坑,NANA 不知道让多少读者被剧情感动流泪之后又因为看不到结局而大呼坑爹。NANA 是少有的我觉得动画比漫画要好的作品,当发现导演是浅香守生之后,我果断把他放在了心目中监督 NO.2 的位置。然而,带着百合脑看 NANA 真是辛苦……

校园迷糊大王 二学期

关于 SR 我只想说一句:去看就对了!史上最佳校园番,没有之一。至于党争……爱理八云你在现实生活中遇到一个都能高兴一辈子好吗,还争个毛!


我很喜欢里面的故事,但某些地方真的是看不懂,因为涉及了 CLAMP 的其它作品。抛开这一点,单纯把它当做解决灵异事件的单元剧来看也相当有趣。大妈们真喜欢画衣服啊,侑子一集一件不重样。片子对于“代价”的强调很有意思。




如果让我推荐一些冷门神作,那西蒙必然位列其中。西蒙对情感的描写胜过百合三神作中的任何一部作品,唯一的缺点是结局有点玄妙以至于我现在都没弄懂。动画的整体氛围和神枪少女第一季有点像,没有那么阴暗,战斗的间隙穿插着少女们喝茶聊天的日常。不得不提的一点是西蒙的音乐。来感受一下超神 OST 妖艶なる絆の響き,我实在想不到有曲子和动画契合到这种程度,好像能把画面印出来一样:

我的女神 缤纷之翼



只知道是有梦想歌的 GAL 改,别的不太清楚,不过从经验来看有经典音乐的动画都不会差。

翼·年代记 第二部

这部和四月一日同时在四月开播,所以每周有可能在两部番里看到侑子。据说相当于 CLAMP 作品的大杂烩。




没看过,但 ED2 是真好听。




Requests 代理池

Requests 本身不提供代理池,然而爬数据又要用,所以只能自己搞。其实还挺简单的。我也不知道为什么这么有用的 feature 一直没有被加入。

import requests

class Client:

    def __init__(self):
        self._session = requests.Session()
        self.proxies = None

    def set_proxy_pool(self, proxies, auth=None, https=True):
        """Randomly choose a proxy for every GET/POST request        
        :param proxies: list of proxies, like ["ip1:port1", "ip2:port2"]
        :param auth: if proxy needs auth
        :param https: default is True, pass False if you don't need https proxy
        from random import choice

        if https:
            self.proxies = [{'http': 'http://' + p, 'https': 'https://' + p} for p in proxies]
            self.proxies = [{'http': 'http://' + p} for p in proxies]

        def get_with_random_proxy(url, **kwargs):
            proxy = choice(self.proxies)
            kwargs['proxies'] = proxy
            if auth:
                kwargs['auth'] = auth
            return self._session.original_get(url, **kwargs)

        def post_with_random_proxy(url, *args, **kwargs):
            proxy = choice(self.proxies)
            kwargs['proxies'] = proxy
            if auth:
                kwargs['auth'] = auth
            return self._session.original_post(url, *args, **kwargs)

        self._session.original_get = self._session.get
        self._session.get = get_with_random_proxy
        self._session.original_post = self._session.post
        self._session.post = post_with_random_proxy

    def remove_proxy_pool(self):
        self.proxies = None
        self._session.get = self._session.original_get
        self._session.post = self._session.original_post
        del self._session.original_get
        del self._session.original_post

    # You can define whatever operations using self._session

替换掉 Session 原本的 getpost 方法就行了,不会有什么副作用。class Client 并不必需,直接操作 Session 是一样的。

可以用 httpbin 来做验证

def test_proxy():
    # visit http://cn-proxy.com/ to get available proxies if test failed
    proxy_ips = ['', '']
    client = Client()
    for _ in range(5):
        result = client._session.get('http://httpbin.org/ip').json()
        assert result['origin'] in proxy_ips
        result = client._session.post('http://httpbin.org/post',
        assert result['form'] == {'m': '1'}
        assert result['origin'] in proxy_ips

    client.set_proxy_pool(proxy_ips, https=False)
    for _ in range(5):
        result = client._session.get('http://httpbin.org/ip').json()
        assert result['origin'] in proxy_ips

Spotted Flower Is a Sequel, and Why

I was discussing with someone about Genshiken chapter 121 on reddit the other day, then our discussion turned to Spotted Flower, which is commonly viewed as story of another universe. I disagreed with it, and said Spotted Flower is actually a sequel of Genshiken. Here's my reply:

Ah, I have to say, maybe you know Genshiken well, but you didn't read Spotted Flower very carefully. I happen to get some time now, so I'll explain my theory.

Before that, there's one thing I forgot to say, which is really important: I'm not trying to predict the development of the story(Spotted Flower), what I'm trying to do is reveal Shimoku Kio's intention, or in other words, what does Spotted Flower tell us.

First, let's look at the title "Spotted Flower". What does it mean? I bet you don't know, those who translate this manga probably do. "Spot", in Chinese/Japanese, is "斑", which is the first character of Rame's full name 斑目晴信. "Saki" is "咲", and the meaning of "咲" in Japanese is bloom/flowering. So "Spotted Flower" literally means "Rame and Saki", there's no argument about that. Moreover, the author plays on word to summarize the story:he uses "Spotted Flower" rather than "Spot Flower", why? I can't think of other possibility than saying Saki belongs to Rame.

Then I'll step through the current chapters to show all clues. I'll just call the main characters Rame and Saki.

Rame wears glasses, Sasahara doesn't. In Genshiken, he wears the same glasses once when Saki told him to change his appearance;
after a CM, Saki asked Rame "Did you hang out with everyone", Rame said "Yeah(skipped some dialog)...That's why you should have come as well", Saki replied "I'm kidding. I wouldn't want tension in the air because I sat next to my ex-boyfriend.";
Saki said "...That I ended up with 2 otaku guys back to back."

Kaichou cosplay http://www.heymanga.xyz/manga/Spotted_Flower/3/1;

Rame and saki come to see Saki's grandma. In Genshiken, Saki mentioned that her name is given by her grandma, other people are surprised and say "saki" is like a character's name in Anime/Manga so they can't imagine an old lady can think of such name. In this chapter, the old lady gave many Anime/Manga-ish name too, so obviously it's the same person. Saki also said to her grandma: "You're the one who named me, grandma!", which proves she is indeed Saki.

Saki said: "You used to be a hopeless otaku...Back then, I thought you were pretty pathetic, too."; Rame said: "I really would've liked to raise a little girl...", Saki said: "Hey, your dad is really gross, you know that? He's a lolicon." The only lolicon in genshiken is Rame, Sasahara prefers mature women.

Ohno came to see Saki, and persuaded her to cosplay, like in Genshiken. Ohno has two babies, that is because she married early and became a full-time housewife. This is implied in Genshiken;

Rame broke his arm, again...his hand is swollen just like the first time.

This is the first time Hato appeared in SF, and his relationship with Rame is still very subtle. Saki thought:"But every time they meet, he leaves that scent on my husband's clothes, like he's plaunting it. it's perfume. Men can only get pregnant in video games, dammit! I think he still hasn't given up."
This is an important chapter which gives us many information to guess what happened between Hato and Rame. I just came up with a guess: Rame chooses Hato, they are together for a while, then, Saki breaks up with Kousaka, which gives Rame a chance. There's no doubt that Rame would choose Saki among the two. Finally Saki accepts him, here comes Spotted Flower.

ch12.2 & 12.5
Yajima has lost weight successfully. Remember in Genshiken she said she's gonna lose weight?
This chapter also tells us Hato had breast augmentation.

The cosplay costume Ohno brought is the character Kousaka cosplayed after Rame made love confession to Saki and got rejected.
This is the funniest scene of the manga and I really couldn't stop laughing.

This is the chapter that really makes me believe SF is a sequel.
Hato said to Rame "Alcohol was what led you to trip me, and push me down onto a bed, even before I was who I am today."
It means, whether or not the two stories split in the future, at least they are the same till that point, which is near the latest chapter of Genshiken so far. Since I'm talking about revealing the author's intention, this is a clear evidence that he wants us to believe two stories won't split. Whether Shimoku will follow this till the end or make a twist ending is not something to be discussed here.

I ignored some details like the relationship between Yajima and Hato. What's going on next in Genshiken will probably gives a conclusion on if SF is a sequel. My point is fairly simple: since SF matches almost every detail of Genshiken, at least we could say that somehow Shimoku wants us to believe it's a sequel. I can't believe so many people misidentify Saki as Ogiue, it's horrible, there's nothing this character has in common with Ogiue except they are both female and have black hair. As for the hair, by the way, apparently Saki no longer dyes her hair after getting married, that doesn't make her Ogiue, does it?

Anyway, Shimoku Kio is such a talented mangaka, I've never seen other people drawing two related manga at the same time like he's been doing. He's done a brilliant work so far, I hope he could bring us more.

update 2016.3.28
Madarame chooses no one in chapter 122, which doesn't surprise me at all. I wrote "What's going on next in Genshiken will probably gives a conclusion on if SF is a sequel. ", now I would say the possibility raises to 90%.
