送 PyCon 门票啦
我手上有一张 PyCon 上海(2019-09-21)的赠票,想要的话请通过任意方式告诉我,先到先得。具体参见
今年 PyCon China 大佬云集,不容错过。
P.S. 如果你想要门票,我希望是你本人去参加,而不是拿了送人。
我手上有一张 PyCon 上海(2019-09-21)的赠票,想要的话请通过任意方式告诉我,先到先得。具体参见
今年 PyCon China 大佬云集,不容错过。
P.S. 如果你想要门票,我希望是你本人去参加,而不是拿了送人。
Recently I was studying Python bytecode for my personal project. One particular thing that bothered me was EXTENDED_ARG. Guess what, the documentation is outdated(or, you could say, wrong), thus causing my confusion. But even without the error, it is not easy to understand at first glance. In this article, I'll explain it in detail.
Early warning: If you've never heard of Python's bytecode, you probably want to learn about it before continue reading.
Let's first take a look at the *original* documentation.
(ext)Prefixes any opcode which has an argument too big to fit into the default two bytes. ext holds two additional bytes which, taken together with the subsequent opcode’s argument, comprise a four-byte argument, ext being the two most-significant bytes.
Before Python 3.6, each instruction takes 1 or 3 bytes, depending on whether it takes an argument. Example:
RETURN_VALUE # opcode takes 1 byte, total is 1
LOAD_CONST 0x0000 # argument takes 2 bytes, total is 3
But what if you want to have a larger argument which cannot fit into 2 bytes? That's when EXTENDED_ARG
comes into play. Let's say, the argument is 0x123456
LOAD_CONST 0x123456 # INVALID!! argument exceeds size limit
LOAD_CONST 0x3456 # valid
Here's what Python does: it splits the argument into two parts, with 2 bytes each. The most significant 2 bytes 0x0012
becomes argument of EXTENDED_ARG
, the remaining 2 bytes becomes argument of LOAD_CONST
. When Python virtual machine sees EXTENDED_ARG
, it knows to read the next instruction, and adds their arguments together. So the actual operation Python does is LOAD_CONST
with argument 0x00123456
Python 3.6 changed the size of instructions. So starting from Python 3.6, every instruction takes 2 bytes, where opcode still takes 1 byte, argument also takes 1 byte now. If there's no argument, it's just zero.
So what's the equivalent bytecode representation of LOAD_CONST 0x123456
in the latest version of Python? It's like this:
The change is pretty straight forward, the only difference is the use of multiple EXTENDED_ARG
. The size limit for argument is 4 bytes, so there will be 3 EXTENDED_ARG
instructions at most, for each subsequent instruction(in this example, LOAD_CONST
Funny enough, the documentation was not updated to reflect this change(which is understandable given the amount of work needed to be done). So I made a PR to fix it.
Finally, some code to prove the things we talked about.
I'll be using a brilliant library made by Victor Stinner, called bytecode. Thanks @thautwarm who introduced it to me.
Complete program can be found here.
In this program, I constructs a series of instructions by hand, which does two things: LOAD_CONST 0x1234567
, and then RETURN_VALUE
to pop up the loaded value from VM stack. With the help of bytecode lib, things become really simple.
from bytecode import ConcreteInstr, ConcreteBytecode
CONST_ARG = 0x1234567 # The real argument we want to set.
cbc = bytecode.ConcreteBytecode()
cbc.consts = [None] * (CONST_ARG + 1) # Make sure co_consts is big enough.
cbc.consts[CONST_ARG] = "foo" # Sets the value we want to load.
if sys.version_info >= (3, 6):
ConcreteInstr("EXTENDED_ARG", 0x1),
ConcreteInstr("EXTENDED_ARG", 0x23),
ConcreteInstr("EXTENDED_ARG", 0x45),
ConcreteInstr("LOAD_CONST", 0x67),
manually constructs the instructions, and the instructions should look familiar now. The tricky thing is about preparing value. Since we want to call LOAD_CONST 0x1234567
, there needs to be a value located at co_consts[0x1234567]
(If you don't know what co_consts
is, check out the doc). So what we do is set the value manually: cbc.consts[0x1234567] = "foo"
Now comes the interesting part, let's dis
the code object we just created:
6 LOAD_CONST 19088743 ('foo')
Is something wrong? Why is the argument different from what we set? Here's how it works
1 = 0x01
291 = 0x0123
74565 = 0x012345
19088743 = 0x01234567
Now it's clear, Python accumulates the arguments when seeing EXTENDED_ARG
, and it becomes Instruction.arg. But under the hood, the byte value is still exactly what we set.
for raw_byte in code.co_code:
print("raw code is: ", raw_byte)
raw code is: 144 # EXTENDED_ARG
raw code is: 1 # 0x01
raw code is: 144 # EXTENDED_ARG
raw code is: 35 # 0x23
raw code is: 144 # EXTENDED_ARG
raw code is: 69 # 0x45
raw code is: 100 # LOAD_CONST
raw code is: 103 # 0x67
raw code is: 83 # RETURN_VALUE
raw code is: 0 # no argument, so zero
The program also supports running with versions before 3.6, the only difference is the two bytes argument:
ConcreteInstr("EXTENDED_ARG", 0x123),
ConcreteInstr("LOAD_CONST", 0x4567),
2019.10.13 Update:还是需要更新一下使用体验,因为我发现这个方案有两个致命缺陷。
多年以来,我一直在寻找满意的的音乐解决方案。三年前写过一篇文章《可以好好听音乐了》,从那时起我就不再依赖云平台。当时正好有一台实验室的服务器,于是我自己架设了 Subsonic 作为 streaming server。随着毕业,我把所有音乐搬到了 Google Play Music。我会把歌下下来,传到 Google Play Music,这是我近两年来听音乐的方式。
我满意 Google Play Music 的大部分功能,UI 算不上好但够用了,自动匹配封面也不错。唯一唯一的缺点,就是无法分享歌曲/播放列表。确切地说,分享功能是有的,但只有那些 Google Play Music 拥有版权的歌曲才对你的朋友可见。
最近我实在不想继续将就,遂又开始找新平台。这次试遍了市面上几乎所有服务,最终选定了 pCloud。先来说说我的需求吧:
先说国内御三家,QQ、网易、虾米。QQ 和虾米无法上传,直接否定。网易倒是有个音乐云盘,但不知道怎么回事 Mac 版无法使用(有入口但点了没效果)。而且据说网易云会自动替换无版权音乐,这是我绝对无法接受的。
国外有什么呢?Spotify 用的最多,但它也没有上传功能,并且得付费。我还试了一大堆别的,都不满足需求。值得一提的是 Sound Cloud,我很喜欢它的 UI,上传分享功能也都有,问题和是它会自动移除检测到无版权的歌曲。
Streaming server 倒是很多,但是我不想自己维护,所以也不行。
再来就是云盘了,Google Drive 对音乐支持极差,百度网盘我不信任。Dropbox 据说还行,但是免费套餐只有 2GB 太少了。
然后我搜到一篇文章:Best Cloud Storage for Music 2019,其中推荐了 pCloud,正好我之前也偶尔用,就试了试。没想到居然完全满足需求。
默认 10G 空间暂时够用,再说我并不介意合理付费。
分享播放列表是我多年来的一个心愿。这个列表不是那种神曲选集,是纯按个人口味挑选的,当然其中也有很多大家熟悉的歌。类别的话基本就是 Anisong + 各种OST + 一些英文歌。这个列表我维护很多年了,未来还会持续更新。